Monday, 9 December 2013

The Christmas tree!

Once upon a time there was a Christmas tree sitting quietly by the side of the road. A few days before he'd been happily dozing under the sunshine in the Christmas tree forest along with all his other friends. Then one day, he was suddenly tugged out of the earth and popped into the back of a lorry before winding up on the verge of a busy residential road in West London.

The Christmas tree wasn't sure what to make of it all, but he was feeling rather glum. For a few days he sat and watched people come and go, looking him up and down, whispering about how green or bushy he was. The Christmas tree began to feel very self conscious - he wasn't very big and he wasn't very tall. 

Then one day, on a sunny Sunday two strange ridiculous people walked past. They were looking for a medium sized tree, not too bushy, not too small but just right. The Christmas tree decided he liked the sound of them and especially the look of the girls red woolly hat.

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So he puffed himself up as large as he could go, rustled his leaves, popped out his pines and stood up tall and handsome.

"Aha" said the man, "this cracker does just the trick". Before he knew it, the tree found himself being picked up, wrapped up and uncomfortably lugged all the way to these mad people's home!

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Inside (yes, inside! What was the world coming too, a tree inside?!) the tree was popped into a little container and strung with lights. It was all very scary and nerve racking. 

He was then covered with plenty of gold, red and silver ball balls, funny decorations and a fuzzy star was placed on his tallest branch. That was ok, because it made him look even taller.

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Finally, the lights went on and the Christmas tree glowed (from the inside outwards). He felt very proud and with a selection of presents sitting under him, the tree took up his role to brighten up Christmas and keep an eye on all those presents until Christmas day!

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