Monday, 8 April 2013

Wild, Windy and very exotic - Scotland

I have just been on THE most exotic holiday of the century. Not.

Nope I forgave the bikini, left the sun tan at home and headed to wild, wonderful Scotland.

Mystical, magical and full of kilts, tartan and whiskey, this wind swept land is one of the most dramatic places in the British Isles.

Out into the highlands we ventured where it was as remote as remote could be. Travelling across grass, sand and mud the terrain was rough and desolate. Sun beamed down and only the occasional old farm was stumbled upon along the windy roads through the mountains.

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But... we soon found friends... in the form of this fury creature!

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 (Almost so cuddly you could take him home)

Eventually winding up at a loch with a small ancient chapel on one side, we sat down on the shore and kicked back in the balmy sunshine...

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It wasn't long until we came across old campfires and sling shots, clear signs of life. So we hurried along the trail, resting by fallen trees and sunny banks...

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And finally parched, thirsty and in need of a drink (or three) we came to this tiny inn called The Byres Inn

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